
目录 >简介

年鉴中文名: 青海统计年鉴


年鉴年份: 2020

责任说明: 康玲,常丽娟 总编

主编单位: 青海省统计局;国家统计局青海调查总队

出版日期: 2020.08

页数: 544

人民币定价(元): 400.00

内容简介: 《青海统计年鉴2020》是一本全面反映青海省国民经济和社会发展情况的资料工具书。本书收录了2019年青海经济和社会、资源与环境等方面的统计数据。 全书内容分22个篇目,即:1.特载;2.综合;3.人口;4.国民经济核算;5.就业和工资;6.价格;7.人民生活;8.财政;9.能源与环境;10.固定资产投资和房地产;11.对外经济贸易;12.农业;13.工业;14.建筑业;15.运输和邮电;16.国 ...

简约版 快照版


《青海统计年鉴2020》是一本全面反映青海省国民经济和社会发展情况的资料工具书。本书收录了2019年青海经济和社会、资源与环境等方面的统计数据。 全书内容分22个篇目,即:1.特载;2.综合;3.人口;4.国民经济核算;5.就业和工资;6.价格;7.人民生活;8.财政;9.能源与环境;10.固定资产投资和房地产;11.对外经济贸易;12.农业;13.工业;14.建筑业;15.运输和邮电;16.国内贸易;17.金融业;18.教育和科技;19.卫生和社会服务;20.文化、旅游和体育;21.公共管理、社会保障和其他;22.全国各地区主要经济指标。 统计表中符号使用说明:“…”表示数据不足本表最小单位;“空格”表示无该项指标数据或该项指标数据不详;“#”表示总指标的其中项数据。读者在使用统计资料时,凡与本年鉴有出入的,均以本年鉴为准。 本《年鉴》是青海省统计局和国家统计局青海调查总队共同努力的结果,也是全省各条战线上广大统计干部辛勤劳动的成果,是集体智慧的结晶。在编辑出版、印刷和发行过程中,得到了中国统计出版社有限公司及青海省有关单位的大力支持,在此一并表示衷心感谢! 《青海统计年鉴》公开出版以来,受到了国内外广大读者的关心和支持,对本年鉴的内容和编辑工作提出了许多宝贵意见,对此我们深表谢意。由于我们水平有限,疏误之处在所难免,欢迎各界人士对不足之处给予批评和指正,帮助我们进一步提高统计年鉴编辑水平,更好地为广大读者服务。 Qinghai Statistical Yearbook 2020 is an annual statistical publication,which reflects comprehensively the economic and social development of Qinghai Province.It covers data for 2019 in various aspects of economic,social,resources and environmental statistics. The yearbook contains twenty-two chapters:1.Special Articles;2.General Survey;3.Population;4.National Accounts;5.Employment and Wages;6.Prices;7.People's Living Conditions;8.Government Finance;9.Energy and Environment;10.Investment in Fixed Assets and Real Estate;11.Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation;12.Agriculture;13.Industry;14.Construction;15.Transport,Postal and Tele-communication;16.Domestic Trade;17.Financial Inter mediation;18.Education,Science and Technology;19.Public Health and Social Services;20.Culture,Tourism and Sports;21.Public Management,Social Security and Others;22.Main Economic Indicators of Different Regions of the Country. Notations used in the yearbook:“…” indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table;(blank space) indicates data are unknown,or are not available;“#” indicates a major breakdown of the total.When readers use statistical information,they should be based in this Yearbook if there is difference from this Yearbook. The yearbook is outcome of joint efforts of Qinghai Bureau of Statistics and Survey Organization of National Bureau of Statistics,and is fruit of the hard work of majority of statistics cadres on all fronts of the province,and is the crystallization of collective wisdom.In editing and publishing,printing,distribution process,the yearbook has received great support from China Statistics Press and relevant units in Qinghai province.We acknowledge their help to the book. Qinghai Statistical Yearbook has received concern and support of the readers at home and abroad for the content and edit of the Yearbook of many valuable suggestions since published,which we are grateful.Because of our limited level,mistakes are in-evitable.Welcome people from all walks of life to give us the criticism and correction for our inadequacies at any time in order to help us further enhance and improve the editorial level of statistical yearbook,and served readers better.