
目录 >简介

年鉴中文名: 武汉统计年鉴


年鉴年份: 2022

责任说明: 夏喜平,赖建军 总编

主编单位: 武汉市统计局,国家统计局武汉调查队

出版日期: 2022.11

页数: 359

人民币定价(元): 300.00

内容简介: 一、《武汉统计年鉴2022》以大量数据,全面、系统地反映了武汉市2021年经济、科技和社会发展情况,是一本信息密集的资料性年刊和工具书。 二、全书内容由统计公报等12部分组成。包括综合、核算,人口与劳动统计,工业、能源消费,农业,固定资产投资与建筑业,公用事业,公共交通及邮电,贸易、外经、旅游,财政金融和保险,物价指数和人民生活,科技、教育、文化,分区资料等方面的数据和区主要统计资料。为便于读 ...

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一、《武汉统计年鉴2022》以大量数据,全面、系统地反映了武汉市2021年经济、科技和社会发展情况,是一本信息密集的资料性年刊和工具书。 二、全书内容由统计公报等12部分组成。包括综合、核算,人口与劳动统计,工业、能源消费,农业,固定资产投资与建筑业,公用事业,公共交通及邮电,贸易、外经、旅游,财政金融和保险,物价指数和人民生活,科技、教育、文化,分区资料等方面的数据和区主要统计资料。为便于读者正确使用统计资料,篇首加注了简要说明,篇末附有主要统计指标解释。 三、本年鉴辑入的统计数据,以2021年为主,重点指标还列出了中华人民共和国成立以来主要历史年份的统计数据。部分资料来自抽样调查。 四、根据最新掌握的统计资料以及国家新的统计制度之规定,本年鉴对过去发表的一些重要统计资料重新予以核实,对部分历史数据进行了调整。因此,读者在使用历史资料时,凡与本年鉴有出入的,均以本年鉴为准。 五、本年鉴各表中,有关对全表的注解均在该表的上方,对表中部分指标的注解则在该表的下方。 六、资料中所使用的度量衡单位均采用国际标准计量单位。 七、本年鉴表中的使用符号说明:“-”表示无数据;“…”表示数据不足本表最小单位;“空格”表示该项统计指标数据不详或无该项数据;“#”表示其中的主要数据;“”或“①”表示本表下有注解。 八、本年鉴中的部分数据由于单位取舍不同产生的计算误差均未作机械调整。 Ⅰ.Wuhan Statistical Yearbook 2022 is an annual statistical publication with dense information.It comprehensively and systematically reflects the achievements of Wuhan economic,technological and social development in 2021 making use of a large number of statistical data. Ⅱ.This annual publication contains twelve parts such as features,including General Survey,Population and Employment,Industry、Consumption of energy,Agriculture,Investment in Fixed Assets,Public Utilities,Transportation、Post and Telecommunications,Trade、International Cooperation、Tourism,Finance、Banking and Insurance,Price Indices and People's Livelihood,Science and Technology、Education、Culture,and Main Statistical Information on the administrative areas of Wuhan.There are brief introductions at the beginning of each part so that readers are able to use correctly statistical data in it.In addittion,Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators are provided at the end of each section. Ⅲ.Most of the statistical data in this yearbook is based on all kinds of 2021's reports.The statistical data of main historic years since 1949 for some key indicators are listed in it.Some of the data are from sample survey. Ⅳ.According to the up-to-data statistical information and the newnational stipulation conncerned,some data in this yearbook has been revised after verifying a number of important statistical data released in the past.Therefore,readers should use data in this yearbook in case that it is not in accord with this yearbook. Ⅴ.The notes concerning the whole table are placed at the upper part of the book,while the notes concerning the individual indicators are at the bottom of the table. Ⅵ.The units of measurement used in this book are international standard measurement ones. Ⅶ.Notations used in this book:"-" indicates no data in the item;"…" indicates that the figures are not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table;the blank indicates that the data aren't available;"#" indicates the major items in the tabel;"*"indicates "see the footnotes below". Ⅷ.The calculating errors of some data in this yearbook caused by the unit conversion aren't adjusted mechanically.